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dust jacket造句

"dust jacket"是什么意思  
  • Do you need a dust jacket for the book
  • The dust jacket of his book promises tips on love , work and dentistry , and that ' s only the start
  • On the dust jacket of this fine book , stephen jay gould says : this book stands for reason itself
  • On the dust jacket of this fine book , stephen jay gould says : " this book stands for reason itself . " and so it does - and all wound be well were reason the only judge in the creationism / evolution debate
    在这本精装书的扉页上,斯达芬哲克劳德说: “这本书为它本身而存在”事实确实如此- - - -这一点将在进化论与造物论的争论中得到验证。
  • On the dust jacket of this fine book , stephen jay gould says : " this book stands for reason itself . " and so it does ? and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism / evolution debate
    在这本书的封皮上,史蒂芬-杰-高德说“这本书代表理性本身” ,事实也确实是这样? ?在神创论和进化论之中,如果把理性作为判断的唯一标准一切事情都好办了。
  • It's difficult to see dust jacket in a sentence. 用dust jacket造句挺难的
如何用dust jacket造句,用dust jacket造句dust jacket in a sentence, 用dust jacket造句和dust jacket的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。